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Underwater Diving - Dip Dive

Each of us has a hobby that he enjoys practicing and diving is one of the hobbies that many people around the world want to practice. It is a hobby that some may be surprised at, but it is fun and contains a lot of entertaining adventure

And it reflects on the person the activity and vitality after its exercise, as it opens the way for him to discover the sea world and what it contains of strange creatures

And help him to learn about new things and discover pearls, which can be his share in one of his attempts to search for pearls

The objectives of diving differ from one person to another. People practice diving for entertainment, to see everything that is new, and to enjoy the view of coral reefs and others.

And people who practice it professionally to conduct experiments or research that are useful in some studies or to discover things that benefit humanity

There may be people who practice diving in order to explore for marine resources and search for pearls

So, if you are good at diving, for what reason will you practice it?

Underwater diving information

Many of us may want to know information about diving either in order to expand his culture or in order to do the practice of diving seriously

We will share with you the most interesting information about diving and have collected various useful information for you

The diver, when diving under water, is equipped with a breathing device that contains compressed air, which helps him to breathe and descend to the depth freely.

Although this compressed air is widespread and common in use during diving, there is what is called enriched air, which is also gaining popularity and is widely used due to its usefulness in reducing the entry of nitrogen during repeated diving.

The diver wears diving suits, either dry or wet, depending on the temperature of the water in which he is diving.

Where the diver protects himself from the bites of marine animals by wearing a diving scarf, he is able to respond to all bites

In the event of marine predators such as sharks or whales, the diver wears diving cages.

Many and varied is that information about diving. Whoever wants to professionalize this hobby and take it as a profession, there are specialized academies for education and to display all the information that will benefit the learner to practice this wonderful sport full of secrets.

Benefits of snorkeling

Certainly, every sport practiced by a person has many benefits that accrue to the health of the body and its efficiency in performing its functions, as they say sport is life

Diving also has many benefits that accrue to the practitioner of this hobby

  • It stimulates blood circulation, as the diver moves all the muscles of his body while diving
  • It increases flexibility and fitness, increases the body’s endurance and activates the lungs
  • Helps to get rid of negative energy and relaxation. Slow breathing while diving helps to relax

There are many and varied benefits that diving brings to the body, so if you are a fan of this sport, never hesitate and always try it

Underwater diving dangers

Everything has benefits and risks at the same time, and everything that is not implemented properly can cause harm to its owner.

As well as the sport of diving under water, as it is beneficial for the body and health, and gives pleasure as well. If it is practiced incorrectly, it will cause damage to its owner.

Among the dangers of snorkeling are the following:

  • Increased pressure of gases: An increase in the pressure of oxygen and nitrogen gases inside the breathing cylinder may lead to an increase in gas pressure in the blood.
  • Increasing lung expansion: The rapid ascent to the surface of the water while stifling the breath leads to the trapping of air inside the lung, and it expands greatly. To avoid this, it must rise slowly to the surface while not holding the breath

With training and applying the right steps, everything becomes simple and the danger is far away

Underwater diving rules

Everything that is implemented has its own rules and principles, as well as the wicker

To practice diving under water, you must follow the correct diving rules to avoid risks or problems that may come in the way of the diver or harm him.

Among these rules that benefit the proper diving process are the following:

  • Before diving, the diver must not take any medication because that may harm him
  • The diver must be aware of the extent of his capabilities and the capabilities of his colleagues, and ask the experienced people about everything that is on his mind
  • The diver must inspect his diving equipment and ensure its safety
  • He must wear a buoyancy life jacket while diving to protect him
  • The diver must be prevented from diving if he has a cold or feels any fatigue or stress
  • To have a boat or boat to secure the diver while he is inside the water and help him in the event of anything sudden
  • Wearing ear and nose plugs

Therefore, the diver must abide by all the rules dictated to him by experts in order for the diving process to take place safely and without any damage

Types of scuba diving

There are many and varied types, each person practicing different types of diving according to his abilities and desires, and the types of diving

the following :

Open water diving

It is diving for only 18 meters, and beginners can practice this type of diving as it is practiced in vast waters far from the shore.

deep diving

As for this type of diving, it is deeper than 18 meters and this type of diving is not suitable for beginners

drift diving

This diving is by drifting with the current, which helps the diver to move to far places with less effort

The diver enjoys seeing the marine creatures swimming with the current

wall diving

This diving is a dangerous type of diving and is only practiced by experienced divers to descend the diver into the depths of the invisible sea, where diving is done along coral reefs or along sea cliffs.

night diving

Diving at night is a unique experience and differs from diving during the day, as sea creatures at night emit beautiful lights

But this type of diving is also dangerous, as it may cause confusion to the diver due to the darkness in the water and the surrounding atmosphere

There are also additional types such as free diving, cave diving, rescue diving and many other types of diving

Which can be both fun and dangerous

How to learn to dive in water

Anyone who loves scuba diving may want to learn to dive and is looking for places to learn

It is possible to register for courses or clubs to learn diving from zero to professionalism, and the person must be confident in his abilities

And confident in himself when choosing to learn to dive because he needs courage and love of adventure

In Turkey, training courses of approximately 8 hours are held, distributed between theoretical training and practical training

They also train on diving equipment and give information to future divers to protect them

Diving club in Istanbul

Istanbul is one of the most famous and distinguished tourist places with its picturesque nature

There are beautiful and varied places to practice scuba diving, whether for beginners or professionals

There are also many places to dive, including:

  • kiber city
  • and the city of Kash
  • Marcin
  • Kalkan
  • and the city of Ayvalk

And other beautiful cities and places that you can visit and practice diving that you love and enjoy




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Underwater Diving - Dip Dive